I will start by saying this is a heavily opinionated piece but I feel needs to be put out. I urge readers to do their own research and verify or debunk what is being said here. The vital component of the Awakening is a massive Anonymous Legion of independent thinkers who have independent opinions, are free to disagree regardless how popular that opinion is, but are mature enough not to resort to ad-hominem attacks.
This article was linked via Infowars. It describes the falling birth rate and the government's laughable attempts at trying to boost the sex rate. In the United States CIA factbook, the Singapore ranks 222nd in a list of 222 nations. That must be really awesome to hear for an eugenicist like Bill Gates.
"We have a problem.
The long-term trend is down but we cannot give up," Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong said in a speech on Sunday about the nation's future. "We
need to create the right environment, the right social environment, the
right ethos so that Singaporeans want to settle down and have kids."
Lolwut? And in other news, the big ferris wheel at Marina South is a mind control machine. (credit: Encyclopedia Dramatica, 2011)
To be realistic anyone who knows how the system works knows its pointless throwing all your gripes at the country's leader. He's just another cog in the system. The entire system in one form or another would be more appropriate for receiving the blame, that has been purposely designed to make them snitch on one another and keep everyone in line so the entire machine functions as a single agenda.
Certain sources claim the government in the eighties covertly sponsored a misguided agenda where incentives for having more kids were thrown at those who had gone on to get college degrees while leaving out those going through the diploma and technical education side, in a mistaken belief that smart kids are born through smart parents. Whether this has any scientific fact is irrelevant. If true, such an agenda would have shown yet again an eugenics agenda at work, sponsored by the government.
In the sixties they were worried about overpopulation, so they instituted a draconian 'stop at two' policy, instead of finding solutions. Now the chickens have come home to roost on these guys, and now they are flooding the country with cheaper foreign labor in the name of globalization, and further ensuring the locals find it harder holding on to the jobs, as stated by a local organization "Transitioning" trying to help locals get back to work.
Lee Kuan Yew, the country's founding leader
and father of the current prime minister, warned in August that
Singapore "will fold up" unless it reverses the drop in the birth rate.
we want to replace ourselves or do we want to shrink and get older and
be replaced by migrants and work permit holders?" said Lee, who launched
the "Stop at two" campaign in 1966.
Ah, the delicious irony. You done your part, and the results are what they have turned out to be. Now get on with retirement while this 'tofu' generation (what some cab driver told me about his two cents about the current generation) goes about trying to clean up the mess with the disastrous pro-immigration policy has created for this country.
Here are some other reasons why increasing fertility will be a pipe dream. Some are from my personal experience and talking to the guys, those who are the rubber that meets the road.
- Maternity leave periods and attitudes towards expectant mothers at the workplace are among the worst in the "developed" world. No exceptions
- Cost of living is on par with the world's most expensive cities when all factors like housing, food, public services, taxation and others are considered.
- Public housing costs have become so high in some cases they are more expensive than private housing or 'condominiums', while the total apartment area of a five-room flat has reduced to the apartment area of a 3-room flat from twenty years ago.
- Job salaries have hardly increased. Contrast these with doubling of food prices, doubling of road taxes, jumps in goods and services tax, increased costs of education all the way up to college, petrol/gasoline/diesel costs, utility bills, etc
- The demented work culture-from-hell here is putting more and more people through the mental treatment system. Working in multiple 'unofficial' job roles, i.e. not mentioned on the contract paper is the norm. Profit maximizing is everything for companies to the point where cost cutting measures are applied at the micro level at such ridiculous intensity it actually increases costs in the long term.
Guess what, folks, they don't get it. Job stress is through the roof. 'Official' work hours are just a bloody cover for officials to officially claim we are a happy nation 'officially'. And because of crushing deadlines and punitive penalties they may put in an actual amount of work amounting to more than 70 hours a week. Its gotten so ridiculous where people have been reduced to RUNNING zombies. Yes, like rushing for the subway train when the next one is just two minutes away.
So does one think for one moment with all of the above, a typical Singaporean can come back and still have energy for sex?
Or do kids have a place in a system where all they have to look forward to in their future is the scam that is public education system that sorts out what the system calls 'express-level' from the 'normals' with actual labels to boot, dumps a ton of irrelevant shite that most of which will never be used in the work environment. At least there's a small but growing number of Singaporeans who are getting wise to this, but more need to wake up to this and quit reading the so-called 'mainstream' presstitute media that keeps telling everything is find and dandy.
The government in the past has thrown about incentives, money packages and a whole load of ta;l. But if anything Singaporeans are an intuitively smart and realistic lot. 74% of respondents said "No" to a telephone poll on 'Can Singaporeans be persuaded to have more children?'
The results speak for themselves.
'These guys only throw money around when they are sincerely scared.' - Material Defender 1032, Descent 1 video game (1996)