I personally
wasn't there to see what was exactly going on in between David and Sean,
so anything beyond what was told by David Icke is speculation.
David Icke didn't seem
to have much control, as he said, believing in the ethos that its for
the People, but instead this opened the way for business interests to
take over and shut him out, because again, the religion of money was
involved. The forces behind this religion are predators in nature and predators do not play by any
ethics or morality.
I acknowledge this is speculation in itself
but I have seen this happen on a personal level in real life. Being
charitable in the ruthless commercial business world is being a chump.
Mr Icke appear to have lacked in this understanding, typical of trusting decent people. Its a sad state of affairs that decent people get run over by darker interests. This is why we can't have nice things.
Sean Adl was running the show and
he wanted his own climb up the greasy pole behind David Icke's back. To
do that he had to stick with alternative's "mainstream", the hijacked
version of the alternative media by the controllers to a new cul-de-sac
and a new reservation. This was coined by Thomas Sheridan as the Purple
Pill on the Vinny Eastwood show concerning the comedian Russell Brand.
controllers told him to control certain bits of information, but give
away just enough to take the wind out of the alternative audience to go
further looking deeper into the rabbit hole. The quality of the shows in
TPV had severely deteriorated by then, save for Richie Allen and David
Icke's Dot Connector series.
As long as money is involved in any
venture, the people behind that venture are playing in the Archontic
Controller's stadium and it will be brought down eventually or co-opted.
Time and again I have seen how money is the biggest cause of the
problem with co-opting the direction of really finding the Truth and the
nature of our reality.
The controllers have done a fantastic job
with money as a tool of control. First make it the only medium to get
basic needs essential to life, then make sure to get those promissory
notes, one has to work at a job. Now its all about in the name of
survival regardless if one sells one's soul and ethos in the process.
Then once the basic needs are met, the ads are next in coming to create
new needs, material needs, such as branded goods and expensive cars and
bigger houses. The end result is the emotional association to money and
all its attendant problems.