"Psychological Factors at Work" section by Dr Jim Willie, http://news.goldseek.com/GoldenJackass/1439151178.php
"A sideline pastime has been to study the many psychological factors that the people are subjected to, even actively deployed or subconsciously applied. Mentioned have been:
a) building frameworks of false assumption beliefs,
b) building secure and safe systems to derive comfort,
c) refusing to accept broad conspiracy evidence despite their overpowering volume,
d) adopting a complacent attitude since business and family roots exist in the homeland,
e) choosing not to fight the mainstream and to stick out as a rebel or even a revolutionary,
f) identifying with the captors in their exploitation in a cooperative manner [Stockholm Syndrome], and
g) believing that the US nation is under external attack.
The effects are as profound as they are troublesome. Many clients and followers have written to share of similar experiences with family and friends. They are difficult to convince, even with formidable evidence presented. The Jackass [Dr Jim Willie] has coined the term "Macro Stockholm Syndrome" as factor #F in identifying with the captors in control who hold the weapons.
The attacks on the US nation are primarily executed by Langley and the USGovt security agencies, who wish to install a fascist police state. Their efforts are 80% complete.
The Jackass [Dr Jim Willie] advises not to spend too much time or energy convincing people who touch our lives. To be sure, spend some time, but after a certain threshold the time and effort is wasted. It can even be counter-productive.
The people will defend their false positions more vociferously. The people will ostracize the rebel who sees it all too clearly. The effort itself wears down the person dedicated to intellectual pursuit and dedication toward good.
My advice is not to worry about the ignorant and those in denial. These are very complex psychological factors at work. By presenting your case, you are disturbing their comfort zones.
Let them have their faces ripped off. Let them lose their life savings. Let them face the slaughter house despite their compliance. Let them take up residence in a FEMA Camp. Let them take the infected virus vaccines. Let them have the RFID chip placed in their arms. Let them be subjected to strip searches at airports, and be exposed to radiation. Let them breathe the chemtrail toxic air. Let them drink the fracked ground water. Let them live in the California drought zone. Let them have their large savings accounts and CDs located in the big banks depleted by bail-in confiscations. Let them be tracked like farm animals with chips in passports, credit cards, and drivers licenses.
The most fascinating aspect to the psychological factors in my view is not just for denial of the collapse in progress before their eyes, but the acceptance of the technological aids to make our life more cozy and convenient like a big family. Refer to the credit card chips, the convenience cards, the ID registries, the social networks like FaceBook and Google Plus, and the shared networks of personal data to aid in shopping pleasure. These are willing subjects to the fascist state.
The psychological factors will continue to be the subject of Jackass sideline observation. My personal disconnect with family and friends began in 2010 after several intense arguments. Let them go, that is the motto lived by.
My personal peace of mind and freedom of thought is more important to maintain than to try to convince 5 others after failing with 95. That is roughly the estimated perceived rate of convincing the sheeple, a mere 5% success rate.
Not worth my time anymore, as it is too late in the game.
Another key phenomenon to keep in mind is that the ignorance for the tragic fall into fascism and the creeping Big Brother state and the denial of conspiracy cut across all groups. The denial cuts across all age groups, all work sectors, and all education segments.
Young, middle aged, and elderly all share the disease of denial laced with ignorance and laziness. Blue collar, white collar, and those in training all share the disease of denial laced with ignorance and laziness. Uneducated, secondary educated, college educated, and professionally educated all share the disease of denial laced with ignorance and laziness. The ignorance of Americans on matters of capital, money, fascism, and economics is astonishing. Witness the dumbing down of America, which as certain definable roots in the badly educated economics programs in universities.
My brother has a Phi Beta Kappa Economics degree from a major university, yet knows nothing of gold, nor harbors any interest in gold, and has no curiosity of banker corruption or narco money effects. It is sad, but they must be let go, so as not to endanger the loyal Gold Sound Money advocate.
The key wake-up call might be the bail-in bank account losses, or the installation of RFID chips on the upper left arms of the people. Not only do they enable fascist state monitors, but they cause cancer to the human body. "
This is a partial quote from the full article by Dr Jim Willie linked: