"New line: It's not zika, it is a mosquito Gates released, OOPS, no, it is not that, it is an STD!"
"The zika scam is falling apart, because Brazilians have proven it is not zika causing the birth defects. So the people who caused the problems to begin with are now toe dipping various scenarios in the hope one of them that is not the real truth gains a foothold in the public conscience.
First it was Zika. Then it was a genetically modified mosquito Bill Gates released (that alone should get Gates put away but figure the odds of something great like that happening,) and now they are saying it is something new that is being spread via sex.
And if you go out into the infosphere, it is all being pushed simultaneously, (gee gotta look for the new line today) but one thing you will never hear is that Brazil got a new Tdap shot for only pregnant women that coincides perfectly with these new birth defects, and is the only probable culprit that is present in 100 percent of the cases.
I have already consulted a very reputable doctor here who I will not mention the name of to protect him, and he himself fingered the new vaccine as the probable culprit when I told him Brazil received a new Tdap shot that coincides with the timing of these new birth defects.
He stated in no uncertain terms that there is no conceivable way the zika virus could have ever caused a birth defect and that something else that was not natural was at play, and he was suspicious that it was indeed caused by the intent of evil people.
He was well aware of the new secretive vaccine formulations being used to re-program the macrophages in the immune system to be aggressive against the body and do many types of damage, (especially brain damage) and that this was being done in a clandestine way.
He then warned to never get a flu shot, the whole 9 yards, (I was actually surprised because he is very well papered) and that speaks volumes, because it indicates that even the well papered doctors are waking up.
One thing of interest in all of this that should be front and center for everyone is the fact that Gates did indeed release a totally new genetically modified mosquito which is based on the Aedes mosquito, which happens to be the world's most dominant variety of mosquito.
This means that you will almost definitely at some point in your life be bitten by a mosquito that is the creation of Bill Gates. The only two countries in the Americas that don't have the Aedes mosquito are Chile and Canada.
How arrogant does someone have to be to release something that pervasive into society? Good question."
Source: http://jimstone.is