"I was thinking about this while going out, is that Mark Passio while his
stuff is 'ideal' and its coming from his negative experience with the
Satanists believes that by getting into people's faces he will send a
message is a form of satanism because it goes against common sense
grounded in reality.
Common sense though will tell you that the Mark Passio approach of
getting in people's faces saying military personnel are dogs will most
likely put you in a hospital ward, especially when dealing with police
and military who are passionate about their job.
Also a salesperson will
tell you that pushing an unpopular idea requires being on good ground
with the target audience. Its how you get them to buy stuff they don't
need. Likewise Mark Passio's ideas that are unpopular at this time, in
order to convince people will not work with his aggressive approach.
Also realistically what separates us from animals is our ability to
organize logistics and teams to build stuff of civilization. Like [building] a bus.
We need the windows team, the engine people, the tires people, the
electric and mechanical engineers. If order following is bad then successfully
organizing a team to build a bus would never happen.
Likewise defending a
nation against an organized invasion requires an organized defense and a
knowledgeable person aka a commander to get it done.
Also most military personnel if they weren't rejects of society who
entered the military because they couldn't get another job, real
military professionals are the most level headed and nice people who
have the value system of the military required for a functioning
The downside is the rigidity and lack of creativity. And then the training to turn a person into a killing machine plus the usual destruction of the individual thinking. Current methods of training a grunt require a loss of some humanity in the process to be able to kill without hesitation.
military men who started out from broken homes as punks learned real
leadership skills became successful businessmen. Because smartasses
don't have a place in the military. In the real world being a smartass
doesn't work and in the current situation the military institution is
one of the few that the culture can shape a person into a leader.
key point that Mark Passio missed with his presentation images showing
order followers leading to death camps are the result of what Thomas
Sheridan says the bolshevik type 'knuckledragging scum of the
earth/piece of human shit waste' who run smear campaigns on their iphone
and talk shit on comment pages. Hardly the type to be found in a professional military with a value system, i.e. uniform code of conduct, procedures and directives, organized methods of warfare, leadership skills.
In the end it was the US military that
shared intelligence with Russian forces to stop some of Obama's plans to
help the Islamic state (just sharing what I have found in my research)
because they are a uniformed institution and they have a value system to
uphold that uniform and that became a check and balance against the golfer loser.
Turns out some of the recent Wikileaks
information was Pentagon officials pissed off that their country was run
by the Enemy.
So who actually helped in a big way? It wasn't alt-media. Mark Passio
didn't directly have an impact leading to the email leaks. It was the guy in the
helmet, uniform, boots and rifle, aka the 'dog' working within the
system and acting on doing the right thing. The guy in the helmet wins yet again, this time on the beach head of cyberspace.
Maybe that's the real reason why satanists call them 'pets'. They will
follow the satanist orders, and then fuck everything up at the last
minute because they remembered their oath to the Constitution and piss
on the satanists carpets. Just like Pepe [the Frog]."
"Deep comment. The whole topic could be turned into an insightful YT
The whole angry MarkPassio approach is part of a reason why I don't
identify with all these conspiracy people and why I deleted my first YT
channel. Yes, we get it, we are living in hell, but in the end we are
just nerds with an internet access.
Mark is probably a very high IQ
person, but he lacks the talent and viewpoint of a smart salesman, like
you said.
I think Thomas described it best when he said in his "Dont ask dont
tell" speech that most people in the alt media lacks the
social/emotional intelligence and hence we are viewed as eccentric and
mentally ill.
It's also why I can't take people like QuasiLuminous serious, he screams
all the time into the camera while crying about "muh Reptilian Saturn
Symbolism, m8". It's pretty laughable.
It also doesn't help that some people mix historic events (2nd world
war) with paranormal topics, occult symbolism, white pride/Nazi idealism
and even otaku culture and 4Chan internet memes (like 2Circles).
In a
way it's entertaining, but I can understand why some uninitiated people
will reject the information.
I like your thoughts about the military. Now while thinking about it,
there are also some cases were the military has done good things
worldwide, like helping people from environment accidents and all these
I have not researched the whole Wikileaks, but I enjoyed
reading your insights about it."
- Nikkimori
"Thanks. I share what I can. If i did a whole bibliography on every bit of
research I did (like I once stupidly did when talking to someone) I will
lose the audience attention.
QuasiLuminous in a way is a lesson as to why the alt-community can't
work the way it is now. Some of it is organized counter-intelligence
operations, but the rest is just idiots who haven't learned how to sell
unpopular ideas.
Its just as well the alt-media community is made of
those with Awakening-caused PTSD, loneliness, basement dwellers and
hardly the type to run a successful business of which sales skills is
top priority. The PTSD problem also further feeds the need for more
negative stuff and 'all are controlled opposition' belief system. This QL guy is
textbook case that Sheridan would like to use to show how not to spread
Recall the New Orleans Hurricane Katrina. It was the military under
General Honore using amphibious assault vehicles carrying emergency
supplies that saved the day while Federal Government's FEMA's Michael
Brown totally screwed it up.
Yeah, the non-order followers screwed it
up, massively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina_disaster_relief …
, scroll down to Military section.
If there was no military and a man
to manage it and bark orders and personnel following those orders, New Orleans would have gone to even more shit than
it was."