On Cryptocurrencies:
"While people rush into crypto-currencies, they need to realize that Crypto-Currencies are not Cypto-Money yet. Once hard asset backed crypto-money is issued, it will be backed by primarily precious metals, structured on the blockchain technology. Crypto-money will wipe the floor with crypto-currencies and $billions will be lost in the process." - Dr Jim Willie
"The Voice gave emphasis as follows.
“Let me tell you something that you can take to the bank and the vault. The day is close when you will not be able to get any physical metal, and furthermore, its price will go into the stratosphere. Blockchain and crypto-currencies are here to stay. However, crypto-currencies will fall to the wayside, pushed out by crypto-money.
There are people who are putting crypto-money structures in place that are based on blockchain technology. They will make precious metals fungible, along with other valuable commodities. This means a de-facto democratization of money free from government manipulation, but most importantly free from inflationary debasement. This will constitute the return to sound money.
People who do not understand this concept, following the herds of whatever hype, will get their clock cleaned bigtime. The Bitcoin advocates must be careful to secure their exits in converting to spendable money. The recent crypto craze is a manifestation of the US$ being debased. What we witness is hyper-inflation. One is forced to spend more and more dollars to acquire the array of alternative currencies.”
The Voice expounded on some modern history. His knowledge base is broad and vast, a tremendous advantage to the Hat Trick Letter since 2008, for which the Jackass [Jim Willie] is deeply grateful." - Dr Jim Willie